Exciting news! New episodes will now release on Thursdays at 430pm! This will allow our audience to hear about all the great events each weekend like tomorrow's NEOEA day Day Camp at NEO Extreme Games and XTREME Ninja Warrior! So sit back, hear about the happenings around town and plan your weekend!
Mentions this week include:
Tlaquepaque, Chipotle, Brunswick Title Bureau, Brunswick City Schools, Brunswick Parks & Recreation, Ignite Brewing Company, NEO Extreme Games, Hermans Bar & Grill, City of Brunswick, Hoffman Tree and Landscaping Supplies, Houndstown Cleveland, Brunswick VFW, Mapleside Farms, Spring Mist Farms, Red Wagon Farms, Scott Sopata, Tangled Vine, Queen Bees, Manzo’s Sports and Spirits, Red Onion, Brunswick Skate Station, The Grounded Bean, Human Bean, Brunswick Marching Band, and more!